Overview This site contains links to soaring related sites in Minnesota. Let me know if you have any links to add to this page.
Cross Country Soaring, Inc. - Faribault Airport, Faribault, MN Minnesota Soaring Club - Stanton Airport, Stanton, MN Red Wing Soaring Association - LO Simenstad Airport, Osceola, WI Stanton Sport Aviation - Stanton Airport, Stanton, MN
Glider Rides Glider rides are available from: Personalized gift certificates may be purchased. They make great gifts! Sailplanes Available for Rent in Minnesota Sailplanes are available for rent from: Cumulus Soaring, Inc. Please check-out my soaring business at http://www.cumulus-soaring.com/store. I sell soaring instruments, software, books, videos and many other soaring related products. You may also find my Soaring Links web site useful.
Online Contest The Online Contest is a fantastic international fun contest that is very easy to compete in. You can see details here: OLC Overview and Tips Minnesota Soaring Tasks and Waypoints This page has been updated with many soaring tasks for Faribault, Osceola and Stanton. The tasks are available as PDF files that are great for printing and bringing to the airport. Minnesota Soaring Tasks and Waypoints Minnesota Soaring Achievement Contest Announcing a new state-wide soaring contest: The Minnesota Soaring Achievement Contest (MSAC). This new year-long contest is designed to create excitement and competition among both beginning and experienced cross-country soaring pilots in our region, plus foster and promote the development of advanced soaring skills. We've based the MSAC on the current British Gliding Association's National Ladder competition, a very successful *fun* competition in the UK. The intention of both the BGA and the MSAC contest is to be a complete test of pilot skills, which includes: Understanding weather, identifying suitable task areas, understanding local topography and its soaring potential, skill in glider handling and understanding cross-country tactics. A premium is awarded for flying ambitious declared tasks, and glider performance is handicapped, of course. Details are available here. Glider Scales Cumulus Soaring, Inc. has a very nice wireless digital scale system for weighing aircraft available for rent. For more information, go here.

Minnesota State Soaring Governor: Bill Menkevich, Click to e-mail Bill One of Bill's roles as governor is the coordination of the activities and funds of the Minnesota Association of Soaring Clubs. This organization promotes soaring in Minnesota, sponsors regional and national soaring contests, and coordinates an annual soaring banquet.
Other interesting soaring websites in Minnesota Weather Links Minnesota State Soaring Records Minnesota Soaring Tasks and Waypoints Soaring Files - Spreadsheets, stories, etc. 1997 U.S. 15m Nationals in Albert Lea, MN - Great Soaring Photos 1995 U.S. Sports Class Nationals - Great Soaring Photos Minnesota Soaring Super Site - by Tom Rent Bob Hanson's Soaring Info. Bob Hanson's Speed-To-Fly Calculator Bob Wander's Soaring Books and Supplies Minnesota Department of Transportation Office of Aeronautics Minnesota Public Airport Diagrams Soaring Forecast For Chanhassen, MN from Kevin Ford's server |