This Year's

Soar Minnesota

Soaring Club

Accomplishments and Fun Flights 
of Minnesota Soaring Pilots

This page is for announcing the accomplishments and fun flights of local soaring pilots.  Items listed here include: first solos, new ratings, badge flights, record flights, just-for-fun long flights, etc.  It's just fun to see how many great flights are done from Minnesota.

I'm sure that I am missing many accomplishments in the list below.  If you have anything to add to this page please send me an e-mail. 

Click on the photos below to view larger versions.

Accomplishments - 2001
Date Pilot Glider Flying From Description Write-up
Nov. 16, '01 David Kujawa ASK-21 Stanton 1st Solo in a Sailplanes (A Badge)  
Nov. 11, '01 Roger Gomoll 1-26 Stanton First flight of newly rebuilt 1-26!  
Nov. 5, '01 Terry Flower ASK-21 Stanton Passed his Private Pilot-Glider checkride with John Wastvedt  
Oct. 23, '01 Dave Fisher   Stanton Passed his Private Pilot-Glider checkride  
Oct. 23, '01 Dick Andrews   Stanton Passed his CFI-Glider checkride  
Oct. 15, '01 Kathleen Winters Libelle H201B Stanton Stanton to Ft. Madison, WI.  Distance: 282 miles, Time: 5 hours, 40 minutes, New state feminine distance record!  
Oct. 7, '01 Kathleen Winters Libelle H201B Stanton Stanton to Black River Falls, WI.  Distance: 110 miles, Time: 2 hours, 20 minutes 2nd day of terrific soaring
Oct. 6, '01 Kathleen Winters Libelle H201B Stanton Stanton to Prairie du Chien, WI.  Distance: 140 miles, Time: 3 hours Ran into a stalled front and spent 45 minutes trying to detour - but a fun flight.
Oct. 3, '01 Marty Wirth ASK-21 Stanton Passed his CFI-G add on practical exam  
Oct. 1, '01 Mike Mowbray Blanik Faribault Passed Private Pilot-Glider checkride  
Sept. 30, '01 Bill Schaughnessy ASK-21 Stanton 1st Solo in a Sailplanes (A Badge)  
Sept. 30, '01 Mike Kieffaber ASK-21 Stanton 1st Solo in a Sailplanes (A Badge)  
Sept. 27, '01 Jim Henry Blanik Faribault Passed Private Pilot-Glider checkride  
Sept. 24, '01 Erwin Kelen Blanik Benson Passed Private Pilot-Glider checkride  
Sept. 10, '01 Jim Hard 1-26 Benson Hugo, MN to Waupaca, WI, 203.71 sm, 5:2, 1-26 Assn Sweepstakes flight  
Sept. 9, '01 Pete Kroll Schleicher Ka6CR Benson B Badge (soar 1/2 hour after release)  
Sept. 1, '01 Paul Esser Blanik L23 Benson First Solo and A Badge  
Aug. 31, '01 Mike Finegan Pik-20B Benson 102 mile flight from Benson to Sellman Private Airport (no longer there) to Score (Menomonie) Airport.
finegan mike flight trace 2001-08-31.pdf
finegan mike flight 2001-08-31.pdf


Aug. 31, '01 Kathleen Winters Libelle H201B Stanton Randolph, MN to Perry, IA, 195 miles, 5:15 - Jim Hard  
Aug. 28, '01 Marilyn Meline Blanik L-33 Solo Stanton Stanton Short Task in 1 hour 47 minutes
Raw speed: 19.43 mph
Handicapped Speed: 24.48 mph
Yes, I did it!  We had a ball today. I did the Stanton Short Task (and met all the requirements as Mike will attest) in 1 hour,47 minutes. Not fast, but enough to add my name to the list. Now there should be even more interest generated--"if Marilyn can do it, anyone can!" It was great fun. Not always easy, but a whole lot easier than last year at the cross-country camp. Wish I'd had a camera along -- the day was gorgeous and seeing Mike in his L-33 off my wingtip was a sight to behold. Thanks for setting this up. It is a wonderful task. - Marilyn
Aug. 20, '01 Jim Henry Blanik L-23 Faribault "Congratulations go out to Jim Henry!  On Monday August 20th Jim flew a Blanik L-23 for 5 hours and 15 minutes achieving the duration portion of the Silver Badge. He also made a 3600 foot altitude gain to get the altitude portion of the silver badge." - Jim Cunningham  
Aug. 19, '01 Kathleen Winters Libelle H201B Faribault 184 sm, Faribault to Jackson to Luverne to Flandreau SD in 5:15, On a very weak day. "As far as I can determine, Kathleen is the first woman to soar from eastern Minnesota to South Dakota." - Jim Hard  
Aug. 13, '01 Mike Trutwin ASK-21 Stanton Passed his Private Pilot-Glider checkride.

Well I passed. Couldn't have asked for a nicer day. I received the private pilot glider sign off from John Wastvedt then took my son Nick for a ride in the afternoon. It was the first time Nick had ever been flying and he thoroughly enjoyed it. We had a 3:20 min. flight with a 3100' altitude gain. What fun! I would like to thank John Wastvedt, Marilyn Meline, Steve Fischer, Mark Cleare, Marty Wirth, and Mike Willey for all the help during the day. I owe them all a big time favor. - Mike Trutwin
Aug. 2, '01 Ron Donner Ka-7 Stanton Passed the oral exam and checkride for his Commercial-Glider rating 
Supporting cast: John Wastvedt - FAA examiner,  Kent Johnson - Towpilot, Ka-7, Ground crew: Jim Wood, Marilyn Meline, Steve Adkins
Aug. 1, '01 Jon Ricci Blanik Benson First solo in a glider  
Jul. 25, '01 Debbie Smith ASK-21 Stanton Passed her Private Pilot-Glider check ride with John Wastvedt  
Jul. 23, '01 David Johnson Blanik L-13 Stanton First solo in a glider.  David is transitioning from power planes.  He holds an instrument rating in airplanes  
Jul. 14, '01 Leon Zeug Ka6E Faribault Faribault to Albert Lea, Distance 44 sm, Time about 2:30 hours. Had the good fortune to meet Jim Hanson. Anyone know of some private strips between Owatonna and Albert Lea?  
Jul. 13, '01 Kathleen Winters Libelle H201B Stanton Stanton to New Hampton, IA, to Algona, IA.  Distance: 200 miles, 2/3 of a 500 km triangle in a hot, blue sky, Time: 5 hours, 50 minutes  
Jul. 13, '01 Steve Metz ASW-27 Stanton Twice around the Stanton Short Task, best flight speeds: Handicapped Speed: 74.47 mph, Raw speed: 84.63 mph!  
Jul. 13, '01 Mike Willey L-33 Solo Stanton Twice around the Stanton Short Task, best flight speeds: Handicapped Speed: 65.49 mph, Raw speed: 51.98 mph    
Jul. 13, '01 Tom Kuhfeld PW-5 Stanton Stanton Short Task, Handicapped Speed: 70.17 mph, Raw speed: 58.18 mph, Tom is not submitting this flight to the Stanton Short Task Challenge because he started above 5,000 ft AGL.  
Jul. 12, '01 Leon Zeug Ka6E Faribault Faribault to Waseca to Owatonna to Faribault; twice for a distance of 99 miles. Time: about 3 hours. Flew a local triangle like everyone suggested but at best L/D speed! Finished the day with a 5:12 hour flight and a maximum altitude at 6:30 over FBL at 7100 msl.  
Jul. 11, '01 Chris Cooper Schweizer 1-35c Stanton Stanton to Austin, Completed Silver Badge with a 5hr 38minute flight landing in Austin, MN  
Jul. 5, '01 Steve Adkins Junior Stanton Stanton Short Task, Handicapped Speed: 41.94 mph, Raw speed: 36.47 mph    
Jul. 5, '01 Steve Adkins ASK-21 Stanton Stanton Short Task, Handicapped Speed: 40.22 mph, Raw speed: 34.08 mph    
Jul. 5, '01 John Wastvedt LS-6 Stanton Twice around the Stanton Short Task, best flight speeds: Handicapped Speed: 54.97 mph, Raw speed: 61.15 mph    
Jul. 5, '01 Tom Rent 1-35c Stanton Twice around the Stanton Short Task, best flight speeds: Handicapped Speed: 35.31 mph, Raw speed: 33.00 mph    
Jul. 4, '01 Jim Hard 1-26 Benson From 5 miles NW of Benson's Airport to 9 miles E DeKalb, IL, 318.41 sm in 7:20, Roger Payne acted as Crew Chief  
Jul. 3, '01 Roger Payne 1-26 Benson Hugo, MN to Boyceville WI, a distance of 47 miles. The flight took about 1:45.  The flight qualifies for the 50 km distance leg of the Silver Badge.  
Jul. 1, '01 John Wastvedt LS-6 Stanton Once around Stanton Short Task.  Handicapped speed was 44.50 mph.  Raw speed was 49.50 mph.  
Jun. 22, '01 John McGregor Libelle 301 Faribault He flew from Faribault to Clarion Iowa to Decorah Iowa and returned to Faribault. A distance of 527 kilometers or 328 miles. This was both a Diamond Goal and a Diamond Distance flight. He is also in the lead for the Hilton Cup in the Eastern Region of the United States. Furthermore it appears to set some new state records in the 15-meter class for the longest Triangular Distance and Speed Around a 500km Triangular Course.  
Jun. 22, '01 Paul Ratzlaff Grob 102 Faribault Silver distance flight (50 km) from Faribault to Dodge Center.  He also obtained his Silver Altitude badge leg (1000 meter / 3,281 feet gain in altitude).  
Jun. 22, '01 Kathleen Winters Libelle H201B Stanton 195 mile triangle flight, Stanton, Austin, Blue Earth and return in 5 hours and 4 seconds, for FAI Diamond Goal and State Records in Feminine Class for Triangle Distance and Speed Around a 300km Triangle.  
Jun. 22, '01 Paul Remde Ventus b Stanton Two fast laps around the Stanton Short Task.  
Lap 1: 58.4 mph raw and 52.5 mph handicapped
Lap 2: 72.44 mph raw and 65.12 mph handicapped
For more information on the Short Task Challenge, click here.
I've never flown this fast before!  The speeds were possible because of wide bands of lift which allowed making it around the course with only three stops to circle. 
Jun. 21, '01 Leon Zeug K-6e Faribault He flew from Faribault to Dodge Center to achieve the cross country leg of his silver badge. This was Leon's first attempt at cross country. Leon previously this year earned his "B" badge, "C" badge, Bronze badge and the 5 hour duration portion of the silver badge.  
June 19, '01 Eric Bluhm Pilatus Benson Earned Bronze Badge  
Jun. 16, '01 John Wastvedt LS-6 Stanton Two laps around the Stanton Short Task.  Fastest handicapped speed was 50.51 mph.  Raw speed was 56.19 mph.  
Jun. 16, '01 Jim Hard 1-26 Benson Benson's Airport to Breed, Wisconsin, 225 statute miles, 5:45  
June 12, '01 Eric Bluhm Pilatus Benson Earned C Badge  
Jun. 8, '01 Loren Jones 1-26 Stanton Silver Altitude flight. Altitude gain of 4,442 feet.  
Jun. 8, '01 Alan Benfell PIK-20B Benson Delbert flight from Benson to Stanton.  For more information, go to the Delbert page.  
Jun. 8, '01 Tom Rent 1-35c Stanton Stanton Short Task, 34.65 miles in 51 minutes.  That is 40.76 mph raw speed and 43.62 mph handicapped speed.    
Jun. 3, '01 Richard Weil Blanik L-23 Benson Earned C Badge  
Jun. 2, '01 Jim Hard 1-26 Faribault Faribault to near Brooklyn, Iowa.  185.5 statute miles, flight time: 4:40  
May 30, '01 Bruce Goff ASK-21 Stanton Successfully completed his glider rating, adding a Commercial Glider to his Commercial Helicopter with Instrument rating.  He flew with John Wastvedt.
May 19, '01 Peter Bolesta Grob 102 Std. III Faribault First flight in his glider.  Earned C badge.  
May 19, '01 Leon Zeug K-6e Faribault Earned C badge.  
May 19, '01 Tom Gerken DG-101 Faribault Earned the 5 hour duration leg of the Silver Badge with 5 hour and 20 minute flight. He reported getting to 8600 feet AGL.  
May 18, '01 Eric Bluhm Pilatus Benson Silver Badge Altitude flight. Altitude gain of 4,442 feet.  
May 13, '01 Jim Hard 1-26 Benson White Bear Lake to Mahnomen, MN, 206 statute miles, Flight time: 6:10, A 1-26 Sweepstakes flight  


web page by:
Paul E. Remde

Last Update:
March 09, 2007

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